Bebelog Videos
20 Haziran/June 2003: Duru'nun ilk ultrasonunun
videosu. Teknisyen bebegin cinsiyetini belirliyor. Sonraki
dakikalarda [gol yok ama] Sila Hulya'nin telefonunu arayarak cinsiyeti
ogreniyor, biz
ekranda bebegin kalbine ve burnuna bakarken...
First few minutes of Duru's first ultrasound, technician identifying the sex
of the baby.
Later, Sila calls Hulya's phone to find out about it while we are looking at
Duru's heart
and nose.
[Mpeg (.mpg), 320x240, 30fps, 32MB]
[QuickTime video
(.mov), 160x120,
15fps, 10MB]
20 Eylul/September 2003: 'Baby shower'
[pinar's girth avi, 320x240, 15fps,
[cake time avi, 320x240, 15fps, 4.3MB]
26 Kasim/November 2003: Ilk gunler, Duru ve Pinar
First few days, Duru and Pinar
[QuickTime video (.mov), 160x120,
15fps, 3.2MB]
[Mpeg (.mpg), 320x240, 30fps, 10MB]
30 Kasim/November 2003: Evde/At home
[QuickTime video
(.mov), 160x120,
15fps, 2.2MB]
[Mpeg (.mpg), 320x240, 30fps,
4 Ocak/January 2004: Duru, Cem, Elif, ve Baris [AVI
video, 320 x240, 15fps, 5.3MB]
10 Ocak/January 2004: Duru exercising / Duru debelenirken...
[QuickTime Video
(.mov), 320x240, 15fps,
17 Ocak/January 2004: Duru, Damlalarda / Duru at Damla's
[QuickTime Video
(.mov), 320x240, 15fps, 6.8Mb]
22 Ocak/Jan 2004: One of first 'agu's from Duru
[Mpeg (.mpg), 320x240, 30fps, 7Mb]
22 Şubat/Feb 2004: Funny - Watch the baby, not the
dad / Keyifli - Babayi degil, bebegi seyredin...
[AVI (.avi), 320x240, 30fps, 6Mb]
24 Şubat/Feb 2004: Holding her bottle / Kendi
biberonunu tutarken
[AVI (.avi), 320x240, 30fps, 7Mb]
15 Mart/March 2004: Struggling with the federal tax form /
Vergi formu ile cebelleşirken
[AVI (.avi), 320x240, 30fps, 5.3Mb]
4 Nisan/April 2004: Eating the Monkey / Maymunu Yerken
[AVI (.avi), 320x240, 30fps, 8.9Mb]
Laughing / Gulerken
[AVI (.avi), 320x240, 30fps, 5.2Mb]
7 Nisan/April 2004: On the Bed / Yatakta, yuzukoyun
(.avi), 320x240, 30fps, 3.9Mb]
13 Nisan/April 2004: Solid food / Ilk pirinc
lapalarindan biri
[AVI (.avi), 320x240, 30fps, 5.1Mb]
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Son Güncelleme / Last update: Sunday, May 09, 2004 10:59 PM