Efe, M.
Ö., C. Ünsal, O. Kaynak, and X. Yu, "Variable Structure
Control of a Class of Uncertain Systems," accepted for publication,
Automatica, October 2002.
[final draft]
Efe, M.
Ö., L. D. Acay, C. Ünsal,
and P. K. Khosla, "Adaptive Fuzzy Sliding Mode Control for a Class
of Bipartite Modular Robotic Agents," Journal of Electrical and
Electronics Engineering, Vol. 3, No. 1, pp. 643-661, 2003.
Efe, M. Ö., C. Ünsal, O.
Kaynak, and X.Yu, Sliding
Mode Control of a Class of Uncertain Nonlinear Systems, IEEE
International Conference on Control Applications (CCA2003), June 23-25,
Istanbul, Turkey, 2003.
Efe, M. Ö., C. Ünsal, and
M. Vande Weghe, Discrete Time Neuro Sliding Mode Control with Task Specific
Output Error, submitted to Neural Computing & Applications,
November 2001.
Citations: Here is a list of pages and manuscripts referring to research papers/projects listed above.
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